If you click on the links below, you will see banners, and the companies which have their banners on those sites, will pay to charity when you look at them. you can only donate once a day, but please bookmark this site, so that you can re-visit it every day.

The pages open in new windows. Often you have to click on a link on the page to actually donate.

http://www. povertyfighters. com/
http://www.ecologyfund.com http://www. solvepoverty.com
Ett klick for skogen http://rainforest.care2.com/ front.html?xp=974182490 http://www. voedselhulp.nl
http:// geocities.com/ dailyfreedonation/

On this site you do not donate, but you can subscribe to a newsletter which will daily remind you of donating sites.
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If you dont have a homesite, you can mail all your friends about this site.
http://www. therainforestsite.com

When you visit this site, remember to also visit their neighbour sites, and donate there too.

Your help is appreciated. This is not only a cliche. It is true. When you have clicked on all the links above, you will have helped a lot of people with food, health care, education,better environment, water and a lot more. Subscribe to the newsletter in the lower left corner, and when it comes, take it as a reminder to go to this site as well. And tell your friends about this site.